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Family Role-Playing Tips:
  The name 'Yamaichi' is actually an alternative name for the mythical island Yamatai. There are several mangas and video games with this theme as a backdrop. It was felt that Yamaichi was more familiar, and, frankly sounded pretty good when spoken with an Italian accent. (The name is also widely used for businesses, inns, etc across Japan, much like 'Atlantis' is used as a marketing tool.)
  Many of the themes are designed to have some resemblence to the RPG (and card playing game) Legend of the Five Rings. Much of the current presentation of Chronicles of Elyria share similarities to Dungeons & Dragons (and Caspian has occasionally appeared with a 5ed book resting happily in the background.) In 3rd Edition of Dungeons and Dragons, Legend of the Five Rings was rather easily integrated into the system under the name 'Oriental Adventures'. We felt that bringing a Family into Elyria with a similar inspirational style would marry well into the game.
While it has not been openly stated, hints of the Scorpian, Kaiu Engineers, Crane Artisans, And Dragon Artificers. The governmental system within the County may also evolve to reflect positions positions you may have seen within these systems.
We hope you've enjoyed this snippet of what we're hoping to make the Yamaichi family, and we hope you will, likewise, work to make this Family and the County we hold prosperous and successful!
                                                   ~ Shara - Countess Willow Yamaichi
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