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Yamaichi Religion


Yamaichi faith, in many ways, reflects the Faith of Mann. One distinctive quality, is that they do not believe the Gods are, indeed dead. They may have become diminished over time, or have hid their faces, but they continue, as they always have.


Tenshi, or Angelica is viewed as the being of light, passion, enlightenment and inner reflection. In Yamaichi tenants, she is symbolized by mirrors, and the sun. Kage, who we know as Luna, viewed in the faith of Mann as Angelica’s ‘Shadow’ is seen in Yamaichi faith as something separate from Tenshi entirely.


Unlike our lores, Luna is not Angelica’s mere shadow. Rather, they have existed as separate beings. Angelica is reflected in a ‘Mother’ aspect and often portrayed in the feminine, however, there are depictions of a very beautiful man with light surrounding him, clearly in battler, that is, perhaps, Angelica/Tenshi.


 Luna/Kage, alternatively, does not appear to have an affixed gender, Kage, to the Yamaichi, is both light and dark, male and female. Kage is assumed to represent mystery, innovation, and entropy. Art representing Kage has shown Kage as both male and female, and even both. (It is noted by this scholar, traditional gender roles also do not seem to matter in Yamaichi. Those who are born of one gender who practice, or identify, as another are considered ‘reflections of Kage’)


According to the ‘Beginning of Time’ tales of the Yamaichi, Tenshi and Kage, had wandered aimlessly across the sky, unaware of one another and very, very lonely. One day, Tenshi, so forlorn and alone, knelt and wept at her loneliness. It so happened this gave enough pause in Tenshi’s walk so that Kage noticed the glimmer of golden, bright light that Kage knew was not the same, silvery cool light Kage shed. Kage began to run to it, heart quickening with eagerness to see another face. Tenshi heard through her tears the sound of feet closing in on her at first, light, uncertain, then quickening. She wiped her face and stood to see the source of such a foreign sound, only to be greeted by an odd person, both light and dark, closing in on her. The person had a face much like her own, and reflected the joy Tenshi found building within her chest. Beyond words with finding one another, and the revelation they were not alone. In their time of revelry, they ‘mingled their essence’. (This scholar assumes this implies that they copulated, as that is the common theme) That union caused the world to split the world in two; the place we identify as the Astral Plane and our more familiar mundane realm.


It is unclear whether the rift or the conjugation of Tenshi and Luna brought forth the next duo of deities, at least they use more familiar names and associations, Ao, god of life and Sanguine, god of death (who seemingly are male-gendered) and thus, married themselves off to Kage/Luna and Tenshi/Angelica. From these marriages came forth the Elemental Children; Terra, Oceana, Daemon, and Asaman.


Terra and Oceana were said to be contented children, and begged to be permitted to become the canvas on which their parents would create, they wished nothing more but to please their parents, and loved them greatly. They made this request knowing they would also fall under the gaze Tenshi and Kage as they passed across the sky. Thus, Oceana and Terra would become the foundation from which all things for us mortals spring.


Daemon and Asaman were different creatures. They had no desire to stay in one place and simply bathe in the joy of the attention of their parents. No, both were wild children. Asaman always wanted to go from place to place, stretching out, exploring, running here and there. As a child, Asaman would be in a moment, quiet and calm, gentle and sweet, the next roaring, vicious. Though Asaman was unpredictable, Asaman’s parents knew such an energy, and a vibrance, was needed to bring cool and warmth to Oceana and Terra, and granted Asaman the freedom so badly desired.


Daemon, however, was different.


Daemon reflected many parts of those he had descended from. He poured forth a similar heat as Tenshi. His light, however, held incredible, burning heat. None of his peers could touch him as even a casual brush would cause wounds to open. This caused Daemon to be isolated from his siblings and cousins, his parents would not dare touch him. Daemon was raised isolated, alone, rarely invited to join his family for fear he would destroy the things they would create or share. Daemon became distant in that time, nursing a hidden jealousy. Perhaps this was an echo of one of his family members…


For a time, Ao and Sanguine were content with their respective spouses, Ao taking the formless mass, and shaping it into one being or another, breathing life into it. While he could make the form, he could not make its mind grow, thus, it would pass on to the realm of Sanguine's power, gaining knowledge, enlightenment, in death, then rise again in Ao's realm where it could find new things to learn. These beings delighted Tenshi, thus, for a time, things were peaceful.


Kage, it was said, always mourned the touch of Tenshi. But Tenshi was always busy, toying with the small things living and beautiful things Ao made for her. They ran the gamut of creatures, glimmering stones, and brilliant flowers. Sanguine, knowing there was only so much material among the Worlds, quietly put to rest the beings whose bodies grew worn, brought forth the movement of the seasons, to give Terra and Oceana their needed renewal. Kage, though very much caring for Sanguine, longed for the warmth Tenshi offered, and one night seduced Ao, wishing only to feel the lingering, distant glow of Angelica/Tenshi.


Understandably, Tenshi/Angelica was furious. At first, she strengthened the curse already in place that the two could not meet, wanting Kage to beg for it to be lifted, however, Kage did not beg, but left her presence, shoulders and head slumped, infuriating Tenshi more. Then, she attempted to seduce Sanguine, but Sanguine, being such a cold-hearted, calculating deity much preferred Kage, and being a rather wise creature, quietly expressed sympathy for Kage, which enraged Tenshi.


She hid herself in a cave, taking the light of the world with her. She was so distraught by Ao’s infidelity, and the betrayal of her beloved friend, Kage (and her behaviour thereafter) she could not face them. She feared her beauty had waned, and she could no longer spread joy with her existence. She wept for many days, and the water turned to ice as it left the cave holding her warmth, falling as snow. The world turned to Winter, and many of the creatures Ao and Tenshi had crafted so lovingly died in the darkness.


From the darkness came the Misfortunes (a counter to our own Fortunes) who spread to bring misery to those who remained. 


The Deities spoke among themselves, knowing such an arrangement would only last so long. They assembled outside of the cave in an attempt to lure the Goddess outside of the cave she hid in. There were many months of useless begging and pleading by Tenshi’s immediate family. Some of the minor deities that had come about either through the various deity minglings, by direct creation, or simply had sprung into being, (such is the way of such beings, coming and going without explanation.), gave an attempt or two. Finally, the Spirit of Laughter, gathered many of the deities and conveyed to them a splendid plan.


Together, they hung the stones and trees with gems and ribbons, Terra and Daemon came together to create a great, lovely mirror, facing the cave.


Together, the deities began to make a great clamour, celebrating, dancing. It was quite a ruckus, I hear. Finally, Tenshi had to call out asking what was going on. She wasn’t answered at first, so her curiosity was piqued. As the hullabaloo continued, finally, Tenshi had made it close to the mouth of the cave, she called out again, wondering what the celebration was for.


Knowing by the timbre of her voice and how close it was, the spirit knew she was captivated by her curiousity. She answered they had found a new Light Goddess and she was so very much better than the old one.


Tenshi had had quite enough, and had to see this new being for herself. She emerged from the cave only to face her own reflection. Stunned with confusion, she could not react fast enough to stop the other Gods from rolling a great rock across the mouth of the cave preventing her from escaping into it again.


She did not know what to say to the others, finally, Ao spoke, reaching out to take her into his arms. “There are no others as beautiful as you, nor as perfect for the Goddess of Light.” She cried at the sound of his voice, and swore to him to never hide from him again. From the celebration (and, undoubtedly, the ‘celebrations’ thereafter.) came forth the Fortunes that the Yamaichi recognize. The main Fortunes and opposing Misfortunes (As I believe there are a few more than we use) are composed as thus:



Loyalty                  Lust

Compassion         Gluttony

Kindness              Greed

Diligence              Sloth

Charity                  Wrath

Patience                Envy

Honour                  Pride

Wisdom                 Ignorance


Kage had, during the time that Tenshi hid in the cave, had given birth to another deity, she did not dare name it. She hid him away from the sight of the other Gods, fearing to bring further evils to the land with The Child’s existence being a reminder of the pain Kage’s longing for Tenshi had brought them.


Daemon was the first to discover the place where The Child was hidden. Being all too familiar with the pain of loneliness, Daemon would speak with The Child through the darkened windows The Child was kept in.


For the months of darkness, The Child and Daemon kept each other company. Daemon taught The Child many secrets of fire, and that knowledge kept The Child warm, and allowed The Child to discover many new talents. Finally, the Spirit of Laughter called Daemon away to draw out Tenshi. Daemon whispered to his friend a promise to return, and perhaps they could meet one day. As Daemon left that place, Kage caught him, telling him that he could no longer visit The Child, as his presence would cause Tenshi great sorrow.


From that day forward, Daemon never returned. The Child felt sorrow, then anger.


One day, Tenshi discovered the small hut that The Child had been left in. She entered the hut to find the small, dirty child crying and alone. She knelt to comfort it, noticing it was warm, just like her. It clung to her neck and cried in her hair, and she understood the loneliness she had once felt before she had met Kage. She held The Child to her and decided to take it home with her.


After the child was bathed and dressed in finery, none could recognize the little one. Tenshi named him ‘Mann’ and took delight in that he shared so many traits of the other deities. Mann was an avid builder, though did not have the talents of creation that Terra and Ao held. Mann was an eager explorer, willing to race to whatever corners Asamon would take them to. Mann was an eager learner, and would spend hours delving into the mysteries Oceana would offer. Mann, however, had a special gift to control fire, producing many things with its strength, though could not produce it. Unlike the other children, Mann went to great lengths to reject Daemon. Though Daemon did not recognize the child he had broken a promise to so long ago.


Tenshi took great delight in watching Mann’s every new discovery and what new talent that would spring forth. She loved Mann as if he were her own, and Mann loved her as if she were his own mother.


It is said that the anger Mann held for so long against Daemon soon became a mutual hatred. While Mann further isolated Daemon from his celestial parents, Daemon would destroy the things that Mann would create, causing the fires to betray him. (It is also said this is the work of one of the Misfortunes, and not even the Gods are immune to their seductive voices)


One day, it is said, that Mann sought to create a gift for Oceana, whom he loved fiercely, the forge where he attempted to craft such a gift was destroyed by the fires of the furnace erupting at Daemon’s behest, (Daemon as also quite sore at the time for his own crafted ring for failing.) While Mann was unharmed in the event, the old servant who had been bringing him food at the time saw him in his bedraggled, dirty state, and realized who Mann truly was, as the old servant had been Kage’s servant and had cared for Mann when he was The Child.


Terrified, the servant fled. Daemon happened upon the servant in tears and asked what distressed them so.


The servant did not wish to reveal Kage’s secret, and refused. Daemon was a clever being, so invited the servant to his home, fed him. The servant was still distressed, so Daemon said to her that she could confess her sorrows to the iron stove in the corner. Daemon left the room (to wander outside) and allow the servant to tell her miseries to the stove.


The servant wept and spoke into the stove of the pathetic tale of The Child, and how Kage and Ao’s illicit son had become Tenshi’s favoured prince. She spoke how she feared it would be the end of Mann were she to tell. Daemon had, of course, been on the other side of the stove-pipe, able to hear the whole sorrowful tale.


Rather than put the pieces together that, perhaps, this whole mess could be sorted out with an apology and an explanation with Mann, Daemon, who by that time had taken quite enough of Mann’s behaviour, and was angry that a discarded creature such as Mann should treat him so rudely after the attention and gifts Daemon had given him when he was nothing more than a rejected being, he contrived on how best to use this knowledge.


It was at a great feast celebrating Mann’s recent request of marriage to Oceana that took place on the surface of the world. All places were opened, so the beings that existed here and there were able to join. Typically, Daemon did not partake in the festivities, as, in all likelihood his mere presence might make the decorations go up in flames. That night, the revelry was interrupted by his heated presence. As he entered the chambers of Elyria in which the Gods dwelt, the Spirits there parted like water.


He looked up to the Seat of the Gods, where a place was made for Tenshi, Ao, Sanguine, Kage and their immediate children. He realized that his place had been taken up by Mann.


Further enraged, Daemon pointed a finger to Mann, revealing to all those Spirits gathered that Mann was the very essence of the betrayal of Kage and Ao.


As the truth was spoken before the seat of the Gods, it was known to be truth. The room was stunned to an even deeper silence.


A moment, that perhaps felt like an eternity, passed among the shocked revelers. Finally, the tears of Tenshi/Angelica rang out, as she, again felt the fresh sting of betrayal. Mann, who did not know until that moment why he had been forced to be alone, felt the defensiveness any son would feel for his mother if she were brought to tears, and the stab of what he perceived as a final betrayal by Daemon leapt from his seat.


He flung himself on Daemon, pummelling him with his fists, his flesh sizzling in the heat. Daemon laughed as Mann leapt back from him, knowing that Mann could not close the distance between them. He began to taunt Mann, as a pretender-deity, as the very embodiment of heartbreak and deception among the Gods, and that even his true parents knew that having such a person among them was beneath them. Mann felt his fury unleash, and drew the sword he had forged earlier that day, struck from a formula that did not require fire, and would quench it. (As Daemon had sought for so long) This sword he thrust into Daemon’s body.


Daemon’s laughter ceased, and screams echoed across the chamber. Daemon exploded into a consuming fire, fed by the emotion that had driven him to act so irrationally. Kage reached out and pulled Mann from the flames before he was consumed.


The fire rose quickly, angrily, threatening to consume all the realms. None could quench the fire that had built for so long within Daemon, released by Mann’s sword on to the world. Hundreds of spirits were destroyed in The Burning, and parts of all the realms will forever be scarred by it.


It was devised by Kage that a God must sacrifice themselves to allow the world to be severed. The place that Daemon’s soul now burned must be removed from the other realms, or else none would be left. There are conflicted tales that Mann volunteered (as he was responsible) or was ordered to be the deity who would do as such, as the situation was the cause of his actions.


It was said that Mann was shattered along with the worlds, and that these sparks live in us. Tenshi did not love Mann any less for his heritage, and that she takes great delight in watching us from above, as it is the closest she will come to us. Likewise, it is believed that while Mann walked among the Gods, he had help heal many of the wounds Kage and Tenshi had felt. It is believed by the Yamaichi that we are reborn, as these shards are, in and of themselves, immortal. They believe that hard work and knowledge passes on from life to life.


When we die, or brought close to death, the Yamaichi believe we spend time in the Place In Between where our souls are kept by the Gods. It is also at this time we mingle among the spirits as spirit beings ourselves. As we pass through the veils of that world, the Gods can feel the tremor of what we bring with us. Those who have led lives honouring the Misfortunes, find the strings that connect them through the world weaker, and their souls darken. Those who have sought the attention of the Fortunes, find such bonds strengthened, and their souls cleaner, strengthened. Thus, I suppose, is why even the lowest assassin treads so carefully along his or her path. (It is also whispered if you have hastened another to the Astral Plane and have not given that soul proper honour, a thread may appear connecting you, allowing them to find you in a future life. A scary prospect, indeed.) 


It is believed by the Yamaichi that the Fire that Burns is a source of many of the Misfortunes in the modern age, and that it bears the emotions of anger, rejection, hatred and the betrayed. It is unknown what beings can or will spring forth from this fire, but the Yamaichi believe cracks exist between the realms, and a Misfortune could find their way to our own world, and bring destruction to our doorstep. That the war between Mann and Daemon has not ended with that first blow, and the anger of Daemon has only bided its time, waiting, as the Spark of Mann has grown ever weaker.


As a final indulgence, your worship, the Yamaichi believe they are the descendent of the child of Oceana and Mann. Yamaichi, their child, watched as the sparks of Mann grew weak. Knowing they may lose all touch of Divinity by growing ever further from their Spark; Yamaichi begged to join them, shattering her own being as well, so that she may help prevent Mann from forgetting what he was, and the threat that looms over him.


Reluctantly, Oceana agreed to allow this only child of her beloved to go and try to hold back the tide of Mann's descent to become nothing more than one of the beasts.


Thus, my Lord, is the tale(s), as it were, of the Yamaichi faith.



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